Valley Opportunity Council ahora brinda asistencia de calefacción a los residentes de Springfield
Learn if you qualify:
1 Person Household: $49,196
2 Person Household: $64,333
3 Person Household: $79,470
4 Person Household: $94,608
5 Person Household: $109,745
6 Person Household: $124,882
7 Person Household: $127,720
8 Person Household: $130,559
9 Person Household: $133,397
10 Person Household: $136,235
You may be eligible for Mass Save’s Moderate Income Assistance Program. If you qualify for this program you may be eligible for enhanced rebates and incentives on insulation and other energy efficiency appliances to help save energy and money. The chart below lists the income eligibility range, by number of people per household.
1 person: $42,412 – $56,548
2 people: $55,462 – $73,948
3 people: $68,512– $91,348
4 people: $81,562 – $108,748
5 people: $94,611 – $126,147
6 people $107,661 – $143,547
7 people $110,108 – $146,809
The first step is to call Mass Save, 1-866-527-7283, for a free home energy audit. Once you've had your audit, and received your site ID number, you can apply for the Moderate Income Assistance Program by following this link:
Mass Save Moderate Income Assistance Application
Fuel Assistance (also known as the Home Energy Assistance Program, or HEAP) helps eligible households challenged by the high cost of home heating fuel pay a portion of their winter heating bills. This program provides assistance through a fixed benefit amount for the cost of the primary source of heat, which includes, but is not limited to:
Established in 1972, VOC has been providing fuel assistance to families in all communities in Hampden County, except Springfield, for many years.
VOC and our correspondences are funded with a variety of sources that includes Federal Funds from various departments of the US Health and Human Services, including the Office of Community Services, which are not responsible for or endorse any of the content here.