The Chicopee Farmers’ Market gives local farmers and small vendors the opportunity to sell their fresh and locally-grown products such as plants, vegetables, fruits, jams, baked goods, maple syrup, honey, and herbs. Additional resources offered at the Market include free gardening advice, nutritional services and access to all VOC services.
The Valley Opportunity Council Chicopee Farmers' Market is dedicated to providing healthy products from local vendors at accessible prices in a place where the community gathers.
July 8, 2020, to September 9, 2020
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
In addition to cash, VOC's Farmers' Market accepts SNAP/EBT benefits, HIP (Healthy Incentives Program), Senior Farmers' Market Coupons, WIC Farmers’ Market Coupons, and credit/debit cards. *Note: payment options vary by vendor.
2020 Chicopee Farmers' Market Vendors
In addition to cash, VOC's Farmers' Market accepts SNAP/EBT benefits, HIP (Healthy Incentives Program), Senior Farmers' Market Coupons, WIC Farmers’ Market Coupons, and credit/debit cards. *Note: payment options vary by vendor.
CISA (Community Involved in Sustaining Agrigulture)
The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts
MassGrown and Fresher
VOC and our correspondences are funded with a variety of sources that includes Federal Funds from various departments of the US Health and Human Services, including the Office of Community Services, which are not responsible for or endorse any of the content here.